Anybody out there..... the Most Luminous Objects in the Universe.....But No Light!!!

Hello friends, badboy again!!

Listen to this very interesting story and trust me this is no more sci fic's for real.

When a massive star exhausts the nuclear fuel whose burning keeps it hot, the star’s internal pressure plunges. Gravity overwhelms the pressure and pulls the star inward upon itself. The star implodes, shrinking smaller and smaller, and the gravity on its shrinking surface becomes stronger and stronger (because of Newton’s inverse square law). Ultimately, when the star has shrunk to a few tens of kilometers size, its gravity grows so enormous that nothing, not even light, can escape its grip. The star creates a blackhole around itself. The star itself, inside the black hole, continues to shrink and is destroyed by a singularity of infinite, chaotic gravity that resides at the hole’s center. This story is an unequivocal prediction of Albert Einstein’s general relativity theory.

There are millions of black holes in our Milky Way galaxy, and trillions in the Universe; and they can wreak havoc on their environments:
If the imploding star had a companion star orbiting it, the black hole will inherit the companion. The hole’s gravity can then pull gas off the companion, and the gas will spiral inward toward the hole, producing a gaseous disk so hot that it emits X-rays rather than light. Astronomers see many such disks, encircling heavy, dark objects that must be black holes.
In the centers of galaxies, such as our Milky Way, supermassive black holes have somehow formed – perhaps from the implosion of supermassive stars, perhaps from the collision and merger of many smaller black holes. These giant holes, a million to 10 billion times heavier than the Sun, and with sizes as large as our solar system, can tear stars apart and spread the stellar debris around themselves as hot, gaseous disks.

Magnetic fields, embedded in such a disk interact with a vortex of twisting space that sticks out of the black hole , to produce gigantic jets of outflowing energy. These jets sweep out into intergalactic space, sometimes carrying as much luminosity as all the stars in the galaxy put together! Astronomers have seen and studied hundreds of these jets and their surrounding disks, but have never seen the central black holes because they are black. They emit no light. 

Warped Spacetime Around a Black Hole: 

What is a black hole made from? Not from matter like you and me, but from warped space and time.

As an analogy to explain this, imagine a child’s trampoline, a large sheet of rubber attached to tall stilts.

The rubber sheet is your entire universe, and you explore it by measuring its shape. You measure the circumference of a circle surrounding the central rock by walking around it, and you then measure the circle’s diameter. You walk and walk and walk along the diameter. It is a great distance, you discover; the diameter, in fact, is far larger than the circumference. Being an intelligent ant, you conclude that the space of your universe is warped. It does not have the flat geometry described by Euclid; rather, it has the geometry of a warped rubber sheet.
If we, in our Universe, could take a 2-dimensional slice through the equator of a black hole and measure its shape, we would find a shape identical to that of the ant’s rubber sheet: a diameter far larger than circumference.
The hole’s space is bent downward in some higher-dimensional “hyperspace” that is not part of our universe.
And at the center, in place of a heavy rock, there is a singularity where space is infinitely sharply warped – a vicious singularity that destroys any matter that strays into its vicinity.

now,Suppose I fall into a black hole, transmitting microwave signals to you on the outside as I fall; see Figure 4a. When I reach the black hole’s edge, which we call its horizon, gravity becomes so strong that my signals can no longer escape. Inside the horizon, the signals get pulled downward into the singularity along with me. I pay the ultimate price that I can’t publish the results of my explorations. I also die, and my results die with me.


The horizon and its overwhelming gravity are actually produced by an extreme time warp: Near the horizon, time’s rate of flow slows to a crawl (Figure 4b). If you were to fly down near a black hole’s horizon and hover there for a few days and then return home to Earth, you would discover that millions of years have elapsed on Earth. You have aged only a few days, but your friends are long since dead.

Now, Einstein’s Law of Time Warps says that Things like to live where they age the most slowly, and gravity pulls them there. On Earth, time flows more slowly than in outer space by 4 parts in 10 billion, and that (according to Einstein) is enough to account for the gravity that holds us on the Earth’s surface. Since the slowing of time becomes enormous as one nears a black hole’s horizon, the pull of gravity becomes enormous there; and precisely at the horizon, time slows to a complete halt, so the pull of gravity is infinite. Inside the horizon, time still flows – but, strangely, it flows in a direction that you would have thought is spatial: toward the singularity at the hole’s center. This is why nothing can get out of a black hole; to get out, things would have to travel upward, which means backward in time, and nothing can do that. This explanation of a black hole’s blackness is equivalent to the “infinite gravitational pull” explanation. The two explanations are related by Einstein’s Law of Time Warps.

If the star that imploded to create the black hole was spinning (and all stars spin, at least a little bit), then the black hole will spin. The hole’s spin drags space into a whirling motion near itself – a fast whirl near the horizon and slower farther away, like the whirling air in a tornado. See Figure 4b. Anything that falls into the hole gets grabbed by the whirling space, like a straw grabbed by a tornado’s whirling wind, and gets whipped around and around the hole, faster and faster as it nears the hole’s horizon. .......!!

Black holes are made from warped space and time – and that warping exhibits a remarkable richness.
Gravitational wave observations will reveal them in Nature and show us their richness and influence in the real Universe. These tools – numerical simulations and gravitational wave detectors – are ushering in a golden era of research on black holes.

For Further Information:
I would like to suggest the following  for the development of this subject on the following websites:
  1. Numerical simulations of black holes by my research team.
  2. and The LIGO project for detecting gravitational waves and using them to explore the universe. 
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"what are you? From where did you come? I have never seen anything like you."  The Creator looked @ Man and was.....surprised to find that this strange new being was so much like himself.

                                     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the end<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


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